#Tech+Biz4SickKids is on a Mission to Raise $1M Annually
#Tech+Biz4SickKids has recently launched a new campaign with a fresh team of ambassadors from Canada’s tech sector to fuel support for SickKids. In addition to the new ambassadors, #Tech+Biz4SickKids has pulled together a council led by co-chairs Fatima Zaidi, CEO and founder of Quill, and Lauren Arnold, co-founder of Category Communications. The 2024 #Tech+Biz4SickKids council […]

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Feature image of Briony Douglas. Her hair is wavy brown and she is twirling it with a finger. She is wearing a red summer dress.
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Auditorium of seats and speakers showing a glowing orange stage and TIFF branding.
Claudette McGowan wearing a sparkly blue blazer and red lipstick. Her hair is long and straight and she is looking up into the corner. The background is blue.
Woman in a brown, wide-brimmed hat smiling against a tree with glowers. She has long brown hair and is smiling.
Photo of Editor in Chief of Glory Media, Lance Chung, with Jenn Harper, Founder of Cheekbone Beauty. They are posed together smiling in front of a Veuve Clicquot step and repeat